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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 2, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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thanks, chris. and thankso you for tuning in. tonight's lead, a victory for voting vi voting rights. and a huge rejection of the right wing's dirty politics. since 2010 republicans have been passing law after law after law to limit your right to vote. voter i.d., voter registration, early voting. the republicans want less people voting in our democracy, not more. they're trying to roll back the clock on more than our century's worth of progress in civil rights. now the tide is turning. inch by inch, state by state, we've been reclaiming our rights and turning back the wave of voter suppression. we saw it when the justice department stepped in to block the laws in texas, south carolina and florida. we saw it when governors in six
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states all but one were democrats, vetoed voter i.d. laws. they were champions of democracy to do so. and we saw it when state and federal courts rejected laws in eight states, including today's major ruling in pennsylvania. this morning a judge blocked pennsylvania's controversial voter i.d. from going into effect before the november election. after it was revealed that hundreds of thousands of voters face the real pocket that they would not be allowed to vote. but now this unjust law will not be in effect on election day in this critical swing state. it's a stunning rebuke to republicans and their shameless attempt to rig the system. just remember one of those state top gop lawmakers slipped up and said what these laws are all about.
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>> voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> sorry. it's not done. not anymore. not on our watch. not when we have our say. folks, the fight is far from over. under this ruling, the law's merely been delayed. not dismantled. across the country, republicans are fighting to keep their laws on the books. and they're dreaming up new ways to cheat the system. we've told you about the voter fraud scandal surrounding gop operative nathan sprool. now the investigation is taking the federal level with judge cunningham demanding answers about phoney addresses, even dead people registered as republican voters. meantime, millions of americans are already voting. today in ohio, polling stations
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were busy with the state's first day of early voting. people actually slept overnight in tents so they could be the first in line to vote. and today the first lady was in ohio, urging people to get out to the polls. >> here in ohio, it is already election day. already election day. early voting starts today, today! i know that after this event, we've got a big group that's going to walk over to the board of elections and cast their ballot for barack obama. >> heroes have fought for it, heroes have died for it and we won't let anyone take it away. joining me now is congressman pa
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ttea from pennsylvania's second district, centered in pennsylvania. his district would have been heavily impacted by this voter i.d. law. congressman, thanks for joining me tonight. >> well, it's a great day. it's a day where we can -- we can bring the good news to the people. >> no, it is. and you and i have talked about this almost a year. many people have fought in the courts and many of us marching in the streets, but today was good because in your district at least this election, they will not face this impediment. >> well, and more than that, because, you know, we're focused on this election and we're less than 1,000 hours away from election day on november 6th. i don't know if people are voting in early voting around the country, they are today, but we have to remember this beyond this election season. we have to continue to fight these impediments. you know, when this country's constitution was written right here in philadelphia, you know,
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there were some challenges then that had to be overcome so that african-americans could get the right to vote, so that women could get the right to vote, so that young people, we changed the age from 21 to 18. this has always been a struggle. so, we are a new strugle and we can't ever forget the fact that this party, the republican party, the party of lincoln, walked away from its principles and tried to actually deny people the right to vote. and i hope not only does chairman cummings take up this cause, i hope the house does hearings, an investigation, how this attempt across the country could be allowed to go forward in such a blatant way to try to really stand in the way of tens much milli of millions of people -- >> clearly, and i'm getting ready to talk to congressman cummings, but many who have been fighting and bringing this up.
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it was lonely in the early days. but that's why today's victory, as temporary as it is because it only impacts now, we still have the long run, it's important because it gives a court confirming the language that counters the opponents. let me show you your own governor, tom corbett, defending the voter i.d. law back in march when many of us were picking up momentum on this issue. watch this. >> contrary to some claims, this bill does not interfere with anyone's legal right to vote. it prevents people from cheating in our elections. this is a law of prevention. it is to prevent voter fraud. >> so, when the courts came back today, it absolutely goes on the other side of that because they couldn't establish how they were going to make this fair for everyone and people could get their i.d. in time to vote. >> al sharpton, you know when
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people are making these allegations, they're guilty themselves. when we see voter fraud, we see it play out now. it's a republican operation being investigated and brought before the bar of justice for this activity in florida and some other states you just got finished talking about in your opening. if we want to seek out voter fraud, it should be fraudulent for them to create these kinds of laws to try to stop people from exercising their right. courts have struck them down. we've had great victories in colorado, in iowa, in texas -- >> let's keep going. we have to keep building. thank you, congressman fattah, this is a big victory for voting in your state. thank you for your time here tonight. let me quickly say to credit ibs. we are not get i.d. we are against changing i.d. people will use i.d. to vote but use the same i.d. they always did. it's the new change that was imposed that we're fighting. we are not against i.d.
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now i want to bring in congressman elijah cummings, he wrote the letter demanding answers into this republican voting fraud scandal surrounding the gop consultant, nathan sprool. >> good to be with you. >> what are you trying to find out? >> i think voteding is a fundamental right we have to protect. it's not a privilege for a selected few. anybody who does anything against that right is absolutely committing a criminal and unpatriotic act and one that i find highly offensive. what we're trying to do, reverend, is get to the bottom of why the national republican party hired this man, who they know has had a history of cheating with regard to voter registration. >> let me stop right there. i want people around the country to understand. the republican national
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committee hired this man, who had been given allegations before of cheating. >> that's right, that's right. >> and, in fact, he was told, according to him, he was told to start a new group, which he started this summer in june, and he was given a $3 million contract, a brand new group. which clearly looks strange, if he claims he was told by them to do it so it wouldn't look like him. so, he -- it wouldn't look like him and he would do this in swing states, $3 million he was given to do the swing states. they're saying they didn't tell him, but isn't it strange, congressman, to give a multimillion dollar contract to a brand new group if you didn't know who was involved? >> thags that's exactly right. the other interesting thing is he was the exclusive group. they didn't go to anybody else. they went to somebody who had been known in the past to throw away democratic applications for registration, had known to have been submitting fraudulent
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documents with regard to registration. the thing we are most concerned about here is we believe that he is probably -- he probably -- some of his people actually registered democrats, reverend al, and then probably threw their applications away. at the same time continued to submit all of these fraudulent documents with regard to registration. no elected official, no person has the right to manipulate the system to the benefit of one party. that's basically what the republicans are doing here. >> now, the accusations against strategic allied consulting, which is the firm he formed, to do these jobs and do this work, necessity are allegations like registered dead people as gop voters, registrations contain phoney addresses, similar looking signatures on the forms. as you just said, there was a suspicion they weren't only interested in republicans that would vote for romney. i played the tape last night
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that someone recorded a young lady that actually said, we're working for romney and do you want to register as a republican? >> so, what we've asked mr mr. sproul to do, we want him to appear in washington on october 12th. we to want see all the documents that the rnc have signed and the contract he has with the rnc with regard to all these states. now, we believe that he has been operating in at least ten states, reverend. and this is some -- these are very, very serious allegations that carry some very serious criminal penalties. we want him to know that we want to get to the bottom of this. we're going to bring him to justice because nobody has the right, nobody has the right, to deny folk the right to vote. >> well, i'm sure that many of your colleagues that are republicans that were screaming when allegations were made against a.c.o.r.n. will be waiting to join you very vocally and vociferously on october 12th.
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>> we have to be calling on them to sit in the room and grill mr. sproul along with us. >> congressman cumming, thank you for your time this evening. >> thank you. coming up, governor romney is being haunted. no, not by a ghost. by the ghost of the 47% comments past. the issue is just not going away. >> they look to mitt romney's videotape, that 47% comment, and point to that and say, you lose that campaign, it's because of that event. how damaging was that? >> mitt acknowledged it was an inarticulate way of making a point we've been making in this campaign. >> now paul ryan has his own secret tape about the 30% who want welfare. and eric cantor and the tea party strutted into washington two years ago pushing radical ideas. now they're hiding from their far right agenda. too bad we won't let them. and this race has been the
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tale of two mitts, but only can show up for tomorrow night's debate. you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. snoou. mitt romney has been preparing for the debate by debating a republican senator, who's playing the part of president obama. yeah. meanwhile, president obama has been preparing for romney by debating an atm machine. ally bank. why they're always there to talk. i love you, james. don't you love me? i'm a robot. i know. i know you're a robot! but there's more in you than just circuits and wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what a person can. that's why ally has knowledgeable people there for you, night and day. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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have you checked us out on facebook? the "politicsnation" nation conversation is going around the clock. today our facebook family cheered the voter i.d. decision in pennsylvania. anthony says, it's the best political news he's heard this season. and patricia says, i live in pennsylvania and this november
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i'm voting against anyone in the state that voted for the i.d. law. this photo of romney's getting lunch at chipotle in colorado was the other big hit of the day. heidi says, romney definitely looks out of his element. and janet says, the 1% with the 47%. we want to hear your photo caption, too. head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and "like" us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. be nice if there was an easier, less expensive option than a traditional lawyer? at legalzoom you get personalized services for your family and your business that's 100% guaranteed. so go to today for personalized, affordable legal protection.
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one of the big questions going into tomorrow night's presidential debate is, which republican candidate will show up? will it be romney, the conservative, or mitt the modera moderate? on just about every issue we've seen both of them. when he's rallying the base, romney throws out red meat for the right. but when he's interviewed by the mainstream press, he tries to give his kinder, gentler side. last night romney told the "denver post" he would honor president obama's work permit program for children of illegal immigrants. that contradicts the extreme position he took during the gop debates. >> if you don't deport them, how do you send them home? >> the answer is self-deportation. people decide they can do better going home, because they can't find work here because they don't have documentation to find work here. >> when he's talking to the base, he's clear about what he
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would do to the president's health care law. >> if i'm president, i will repeal obama care. i will repeal obama care. we're going to get rid of obama care. >> just listen to what he told nbc news about his own health care record. >> don't forget, i got everybody in my state insured. 10 0% of the kids in my state have health insurance. i don't think anything shows more empathy and care for the people of this country than that kind of record. >> mr. empathy. don't be fooled. far right republicans like the red meat romney. they want the red meat romney. this is the kind of stuff they'll demand from him if he ever gets elected president. >> this is the home of focus on the family, which is -- committed to preserving the foundation of america. he put money in a whole mess of companies, about $90 billion into green energy companies like solyndra. we've seen the number of people on food stamps go from 32
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million to 47 million. 15 million more people having fallen into poverty and needing food stamps. by the way, i'm going to get that pipeline from canada if i have to build it myself. >> only one romney can show up on that stage tomorrow night. and i bet president obama will make mr. romney choose which one. joining me now is democratic strategist tadd devine, senior adviser for kerry and gore campaigns and retired captain wes moore, he's the author of the book "the other wes moore." thank you for being here. >> thanks. >> tad, let me start with you. for the debate, isn't romney caught between what his base expects and what independents want to hear? >> absolutely. i mean, i think it's going to be difficult for governor romney to square his positions on so many issues, you know, and make an appeal to the independent swing
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voters who they're looking to right now, particularly in the battleground states, and keep it consistent with the things he said in the primary. let's face it. the guy won the republican nomination by going to the right of a right-wing slate of candidates. some of the farthest right candidates in history. so, he's going to have a really hard time if he tries to square those things. i think romney will tell him whatever his pulse tells him to do to appeal to the voters that he's looking for in this election. >> now, what he has to do tomorrow night is appeal to broader than his base, broader than justice the far right. how does he do that without alienating his base? >> well, listen, he's going to have a very difficult time doing that. i think what governor romney has to do tomorrow is he's got to try to put the president on the defensive about the last four years. he's got to adopt a tone, which is aggressive but at the same time respectful of the president, appropriately aggressive. you know, he's going to make sure he stays in economic issues and something he knows something about.
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the problem with romney's record is, he's taken almost every side of every issue in american politics. and if he has to be -- if he's made accountable for it, i think people will figure out very quickly th quickly, this guy has one for everyone in the politics. >> wes, national review reports on a plan to retool romney for debates. romney advisers have simply -- have a simple strategy. they want their candidate to balance his finely tuned arguments with personal warmth. he can retool it and can someone who's come off kind of aloof come off warm and fuzzy? >> i think gov more romnernor r trying to square away in his own head. when people can get a real gauge as to who you are and where you stand on things. and i think governor romney, this is also coming off the
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heels of two different things, this debate. one, he's coming off the heels of the convention. and i don't know anyone who can argue that convention was -- that it did a good job of explaining why mitt romney is a good candidate why the republicans put out and why he's the best person to put out against president obama. they did more time talking about why the bench is strong than governor romney. he also cannot necessarily run an anybody but this guy campaign when the this guy he's talking about is the president of the united states who's now polling at 50% or higher. he understands he's not going to be able to completely veer right because he has not set his base on fire. the republican party is not heavily excited about governor romney. the only way he'll have a chance at this, particularly when you look at swing state polls, is if he's able to peel off the moderates. that's going to be a very difficult act for him to pull off. >> one of the things people are asking for is specifics. paul ryan on bloomberg tv today,
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this morning, in fact, still doesn't add much clarity to the tax plan. watch this. >> obviously the numbers add up. we've shown that. let's work together to establish that framework. and it's not as much as what's in the tax code as who gets it. >> i mean, what does that mean? >> listen, i think that's -- it's -- you brought that question exactly as -- and his answer has been part of the problem with the entire campaign. i think they're still trying to come up with this idea of how exactly do we distinguish, how exactly do we come up with some different type of policy that makes you better off. and i think they have not been able to come up with a answer that seems at all cogent to the larger american population. >> now, tad, you actually helped to plan debates against him when he debated the former senator ted kennedy. so you went up against mitt romney and prepared the ads against mitt romney.
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what kind of guy, how do we deal with this guy? what do you predict we're looking at tomorrow night? >> listen, i have to say mitt romney has come a long way from those debates in 1994. he's a much better debater today. much more seasoned than when he was beginning his political career so many years ago. he's been in 20 presidential debates in this election cycle against republicans, some very high stakes. so, i think we'll see a mitt romney who's totally prepared. they've spent more time preparing for this debate, i think, than any candidate in history. and in 1988 i was the campaign manager for lloyd benson, and i saw senator benson go from someone who wasn't that good to being a great debater on the night he met dan quayle. we have to expect he'll be prepared and give a very good performance. >> will he have to give specifics? what will independents want to hear? >> well, you know, that's his problem. i mean, listen, this guy cannot defend the math of his proposals because in the math they use to
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find the money to pay for a $5 trillion tax cut for the wealthiest americans, two plus two equals five. that's why they can't dot math. there's absolutely no way for this thing to add up. i think when he's pressed, and he will be by someone like jim lehr, he'll be pressed by specifics. that's when the rubber will meet the road for mitt romney. if he doesn't have the numbers to back him up, he'll have a very big challenge. >> he'll be pressed by lehr but another guy there named barack obama pressing too many. we'll be watching. tad devine and wes moore, thank you for your time. coming up, paul ryan has his own secret tape, claiming that 30% of americans want their welfare stake. that explosive video is coming up. it only adds to mitt romney's 47% problem in tomorrow night's debate. plus, republicans used to have no problem with far right
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wants everyone to forget, he's a republican. but in last night's debate, he slipped up. >> who was your model supreme
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court justice? >> let me see here. that's a great question. i think justice scalia is a very good judge. >> his model is scalia? maybe the most conservative judge on the bench? but then senator brown hedged with this line. >> i think justice scalia is a very good judge, justice kennedy. just -- justice kennedy is obviously very good, and justice roberts. they're -- justice sotomayer. >> he was asked to name his model and he names half the court. >> well, justice scalia -- >> that's the buft being an independent, dave. >> if had you to pick one f you had to pick one. >> listen, i don't need to pick
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one. >> oh, he's an independent. interesting. we've been hearing that a lot lately. >> i have a history of working across the aisle. >> i've been an independent voter and thinker. >> the fact i'm working across party lines. >> doing my independent thinking. >> i've got some bad news for the senator. see that "r" next to his name? that means he's a republican. and his record shows it, too. he co-sponsored the blunt amendment which would have let employers deny women contraception coverage. he voted against the health care law. he supports subsidizing oil companies. and he wants to extend the bush tax cuts for wealthy americans. but it seems like having his real record pointed out to him is making the senator a little testy. >> excuse me, i'm not a student in your classroom. please let me respond, okay? >> maybe mr. brown could use that classroom. there is a difference between
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the letters "i" and "r." did senator brown think we would forget his extreme right wing record? nice try, but we got you. 's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition... easy. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you.
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♪ >> oh! it's october. can you feel the fright? halloween might be 29 days away, but it's already getting spooky out there. just ask mitt romney. he's being haunted by the ghost of himself on tape. this secret tape won't stop haunting him. he's the 47% guy, the candidate who thinks half the country is free-loading victims who mooch off the government. >> not to worry about those people. they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. >> this is a scary movie for the romney team. and it's not ending well.
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there's been an avalanche of negative reaction since it came out over two weeks ago. the new nbc poll is just out. it shows 45% of americans see mr. romney more negatively after hearing the tape. almost half the country. another poll shows a majority of americans, 55%, had a negative reaction to hearing romney's words on the tape. and the big one, president obama leads nationally by seven points. mrromney should be spooked, but the real fright night is tomorrow, when he'll have to stand up there and answer to the 47% and to the president. joining me now is former pennsylvania governor ed rendell, now an nbc news political analyst and elisia
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menendez. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> i hope you like the sound effects, governor, i did it for you. >> if you get any thinner, you'll look like a skeleton on halloween night. >> oh e well, we'll talk about that another time. let me say, the 47% is bad enough. it's haunting romney and his campaign. but we have just got from "the huffington post" a statement that mr. ryan made, a sound bite, about americans that sounds very similar. let me play this to you for the first time and get your reaction. this was a year ago, paul ryan last november, talking about his estimate of how many people are dependent on government. listen to this. >> before too long we could become a society we were never, ever intended to be.
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we could become a society where the net majority of americans are takers, not makers. 70% of americans want the american dream. they believe in the american idea. only 30% want the welfare state. >> governor, when you have a candidate for president talking about 40% are moochers, you have the vice presidential candidate saying that we're living in a society with more takers than makers, and 30% of the country want a welfare state, i mean, what is that saying to the american people as they head to the polls in 35 days? >> well, it's pathetic, is what it is? it says to the american people that both members of the republican ticket totally out of touch with americans and don't understand ordinary people. rev, i've been in politics for 34 years and i've hardly met one person who wants to be on welfare. do you remember that great
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moment when president clinton was in st. louis and african-american woman stood up and thanked him for helping her get a job because she said my daughter is starting school at a magnet school. and all the best young girls from st. louis are going to be there. the first day of school they're going to be in the lunchroom and they're all going to go around and say what their parents do, my father's a doctor, my father's a lawyer. i didn't want my daughter to have so say, my mother's on welfare. i want her to say, my mother works for ford motor company. >> i remember that encounter. >> it was a moving moment. a moving moment. and paul ryan doe't get that. people don't want a check. they want the dignity of working at a job. no one wants to be on the dole. almost no one in this country. they just don't get it. >> how do you react to this new ryan tape that comes out now as a -- coupled with the presidential candidate's 47%
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tape? >> well, this is not a gaffe, which is what they would like it to be. it's an ideology, it goes back to republicans' ideas about medicare, social security, about food assistance. you know, 47% of the people on snap are under the age of 18. we're talking about americans benefitting from these programs, very often we're talking about children and their inability to understand the face of people who are really dealing with these issues is what you see resonating with voters. the idea that they -- voters don't think they understand what their life is like. that if you're in the middle class, you're one strike away from needing government assistance. they view it as a lifetime of support where most americans view it as a safety net that's there to catch you. >> governor, it seems that the president and vice president are not going to let this go. it is about what you believe about americans and where we need to go. in north carolina today, vice
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president biden took the issue of the 47% comments. it's clear they're staying on message. listen to what the vice president had to say today. >> i know i'm not the only one who has sounded strange for governor romney to write off 47% of this country. what i can't understand is characterizing almost half the country as dependent, not willing to take personal responsibility, seeing themselves as victims. this country is neither dependent nor in decline. i don't recognize the country they're talking about. i really mean it. it's never, never, never been a good bet to bet against the american people. never! never! >> do you predict, governor, we're going to hear that from the president in tomorrow's speech -- in tomorrow's debate,
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i should say, and speeches throughout the next 35 days from -- >> absolutely. >> -- both the president and vice president? >> absolutely. and they should. as your other guest said, this was a window into governor romney's basic core of beliefs, into his political soul. same thing with paul ryan. they can try to make it up and say, i'm going to care about all americans and i gave them all health care in massachusetts. but that's campaign rhetoric. the american people understand when they hear politicians talking on the campaign trial. but this was a window into their soul. and what was so shocking about governor romney was that he's totally wrong. that 47% is about 70 million americans. 42 million of them, rev, earn less than $19,000. they work, many of them two, three-part-time jobs. they make less than $19,000 in a desperate attempt to feed their family. you tell me someone with three jobs isn't willing to take personal responsibility, wants
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entitlements? they work like dogs and they're not making money. it's an insult to hard working americans, to disabled vets because they don't pay taxes and insult to seniors as well. >> insult, it is insulting. it seems the polls are indicating that. brand new nbc polls just out tonight. which candidate is looking out for the middle class? president obama, 53 %. mitt romney, 34%. new polling shows who will best deal with medicare? president obama, 48%. romney, 36%. who best will deal with health care? president obama, 49%. romney, 40%. who best will deal with taxes? president obama, 46%. romney, 41%. brand new nbc polls rolling this out just now. give me your reaction to these
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brand new figures, alicia. >> a lot of those numbers have held this entire election cycle, especially the numbers about the middle class, the numbers about a candidate understanding and being able to connect with a voter about what their life is like. and i think, unfortunately for president -- i'm sorry, for governor romney, he came into this wanting to make it a referendum on president obama's stewardship of the economy, and very quickly it became about his own economic ideology and it became a choice between paul ryan and mitt romney and president obama and vice president biden's very different visions of our economic future. and so we're going to see that teased out again in the debate. i mean, those poll numbers are pretty locked in six weeks out. >> governor ed endell and alicia menendez, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> thanks, rev. still ahead, eric cantor and the tea party were going to change washington.
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now they're hiding from their records. but we won't let them. that's next. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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still ahead, eric cantor and the gang just love pushing that right wing agenda of theirs. but voters, yeah, let's just say they didn't find it as charming. now the gop's running from their record.
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vo: tough on china? not mitt romney. when a flood of chinese tires threatened a thousand american jobs... it was president obama who stood up to china and protected american workers. mitt romney attacked obama's decision... said standing up to china was "bad for the nation and our workers." how can mitt romney take on the cheaters... when he's taking their side?
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two years ago the tea party rolled into washington, confident, they were pushing their far right agenda. they strutted. they bragged. they acted like they owned the joint. well, guess what? they're singing a different tune now. in fact, they're trying to hide. in a debate last night, eric cantor ran away from his own record on budget sequester, which cuts over $1 trillion from defense. >> i keep saying i support a sequester, as he knows good and well that's not tr. he knows that the president insisted of its insertion into the debt ceiling deal. >> blaming the president for something he supported? here's proof. right there in black and white. and 173 other republicans voted for it with him. including paul ryan. which makes this even more ridiculous than he ran from his
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past, saying this -- >> we would not gut our military because when you gut our military, have you to remember the president is proposing these devastating defense cuts. so, we don't agree with that. that's the point we're trying to make. >> who did you vote for? >> i voted for a bipartisan budget agreement. >> folks, this is the tea party effect. just look at mr. romney. he said he was severely conservative. he vowed to repeal obama care. and then there's this -- >> i have experience in health care reform. now and then the president says i'm the grandfather of obama care. i don't think he meant that as a compliment, but i'll take it. this was during my primary. we thought it might not be helpful. >> this goes to the root of the gop brand problem. they came in and assaulted programs that people like. and now they're trying to run like the wind from it. i'd like to call this move, the walk back. joining me now is democratic
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strategist mudcat sanders, advising to unseat house leader republican leader eric cantor. mudcat, nice seeing you. >> nice seeing you, rev. >> congressman can totor is the latest to run away from his record. but can he and the rest of them get away with running from their records? >> it's the old story, if you tell a lie enough, it becomes the truth. i think they told so many people they had a horse, they finally bought a saddle. he can run from it as much as he wants, he can hide. last night in the debate it was one after the other. my candidate, wayne powell, did a fabulous job of staying on him, being aggressive. eric cantor doesn't like to be shot at on anything, especially in his home district. he's feeling the pain of this battle with eric cantor -- with
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wayne powell. wayne's got a hold of him and won't let him go. last week they sent out two different direct mail hit pieces, you know, on wayne. and we got a campaign. and even cantor's strategist said this is the -- >> a lot of the contentious is because they kind of put themselves in a corner, whether it's cantor, who your candidate is up against, or indiana, murdoch, the candidate for senate there. we're seeing people all over the country that have taken this tea party far right position trying to now back away from their position. let me play the ad you have put on cantor and show people how you've been really nailing him on his own record and his own situation there in his own home district.
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let me put this ad on. >> cantor's received millions from big banks and investors, pharma, insurance, big oil and other vote-buyers. he's almost impossible to get through to. can'ter clear e cantor clearly works for them, not us. >> they clearly don't want to talk about what they've done the last two years. they're trying to hide from it. >> like i said, eric cantor can run, but he can't hide. one point i really need to make is eric cantor's support in this part of the world with the tea party limited. a tea pty candidate ran against him in the primary. the virginia tea party members left the republican party because they had a lot of problems. not only with social issues but with fiscal issue. you know, the great mass ka raid to me is eric cantor and others
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going out and showing themselves as fiscal conservatives. it not only increased the deficit but added $3 billion to the national debt and the budget doesn't balance for 28 years. we talked a lot with the tea party people. they've been in -- talked to us. they're wanting us to come for a debate with mr. cantor. we're trying to work that out now. but, let's face it, there is 15% to 25% that we're not going to agree with with the tea party on social issue. but there are in virginia sensible members of the tea party who say to us, we agree with you on 75%. >> well, that's -- that's -- >> a lot of that is -- >> that's very interesting. we have to leave it there. mudcat saunders. i'm sure we'll be watching this race very carefully there in virginia. thanks for your time. a big win for the fight for voting rights today. why nobody can take that right away.
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finally tonight, the fight for your voting rights. the news out of pennsylvania today is a major win for democracy and for equality. the fight back is working. and today we need to remember how so many americans fought and died for the fundamental right to vote. in 1965 civil rights activist marched in alabama to highlight the injustices of the jim crow south. in what forever became known as bloody sunday. hundreds of civil rights activists were attacked by state and local police. forces that had gathered with billy clubs and tear gas. marchers were left bloodied and severely beaten. but that didn't stop them. dr. martin luther king jr. and thousands marched from selma to montgomery demanding equal voting rights. i retraced tho


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